Cheri and I have taught 4th grade together for the past several years. This year we will be embarking upon a journey into Project CHILD. Students in CHILD are grouped into a cluster of K-1-2 or 3-4-5. Each teacher becomes a specialist in either reading, math or writing. Students rotate between each teacher for instruction each day. Not only does each teacher specialize in a subject but they also get to really know their students because they will have them over a course of three years.
This will be the first year for Project CHILD intermediate (3-4-5) classrooms in our school. Cheri and I are forntuate to be joined by Jennifer as we embark on this new adventure. Cheri will have the 5th grade homeroom and will specialize in math. I will have the 4th grade homeroom and will specialize in writing. Jennifer will have the 3rd grade homeroom and will specialize in reading. We are all looking forward to CHILD and the difference it can make in our students lives.
It is a wonderful feeling to really enjoy those you work closely with each day. I am looking forward to the upcoming year. Not only will this be better for our students, but Cheri and I will also be gaining a great friend and co-worker. :)