Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

We started our Christmas festivities off with dinner with Andre' at Cracker Barrel. We enjoyed our meal and good company.

 Next on the agenda was Christmas with the boys' Nana at our house. Keaton was so very patient when waiting his turn to open gifts.

 What would Rob do if he didn't get socks for Christmas? They are a regular under our tree each year from his mother.

 Just like every year for as long as I can remember, we headed to Granny's house on Christmas Eve. Lots of food was had by all.

This year Granny gave the great grandkids a quilt she had made. Connor's suits him well, don't you think?

The boys love going to Granny's. They get to play with all their cousins they don't get to see on a regular basis. We would have stayed longer and I'm sure I would have taken more pictures but it started snowing A LOT. It normally only takes us an hour to get home. That night it took 2 1/2 hours!! It was snowing so hard it was very difficult to see to drive.

 On Christmas day, we braved the roads and heading back to my Dad's (another hour drive). Roads were fine. Rob and my brother-in-law are big Louisville fans. Dad, Ruby and Kacie are big UK fans. Ruby added a little UK touch to her decorations just for fun this year as you can see in the photo.
 We once again enjoyed some good food, opened presents and played cards. We had a great time but had to cut it short again because of the roads.

We had a wonderful Christmas. We even visited my other Grandmothers earlier in the week. Wish I had taken some pictures to share. Now the trees are down and put away. The house is still a mess. I'm working on it between playing Wii games with the boys. It is break. The cleaning will wait. My boys will only be this age once. Connor will hit the double digits on Saturday. OH MY!!! How time flies!!!

Until next time,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

At Long Last

A new blog post at long last....

We have been busy as usual and have been experiencing some computer problems. Rob purchased a new desk top from work (a return-practically new) for a great price and now are back up and running. Hopefully I'll hear something about the laptop tomorrow. Crossing my fingers it isn't a big deal or an expensive deal to repair.

Connor made the choir this year. Their first performance was a Christmas concert. Doesn't he stand out in the midst of all the Christmas red? You can't make a redhead wear red. It isn't flattering. I was going to post a small video, but guess what!! I didn't get to it.

Until next time

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ready for a Party

I don't know about you but I love reading posts with pictures. I usually write posts with pictures but not tonight. I took a picture the other day just to share but now that I've had time to think about it, I don't believe I will.

On Saturday as I was doing a bit of cleaning (I don't seem to ever get it all done at the same time. Things around her get done in bits and pieces.) Keaton decided it was time to set the table. He got out some plastic plates and some paper plates and put one at each spot at the table. Next he took the kitchen stools and placed them around the table in preparation for a THANKSGIVING PARTY. Although I did tell him that we weren't have a party that day, I left the table set. A little while later, my cousin and her family stopped by to pick up something and they rang the bell. Keaton was soooooo very excited. I do believe he thought our Thanksgiving Party company had arrived. He went to each of them, touched them on the arm and said, HEY. It was great.

He just amazes me so. He knows so much more than we give him credit for at times. If only we could have just a brief glimpse into what he is thinking..... wouldn't that be something!!

(Note to new readers or those who do not know: Keaton has autism. He doesn't always share his thoughts and feelings with us.)

Until next time....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gotta Get Back Into the Swing of Things

It's Election Day and the boys and I are at home. I have a slew of things that I need to accomplish today:
  • go vote
  • do the laundry
  • clean the house
  • go to the grocery
  • and any number of additional things  that arise throughout the day
Instead of jumping right up and getting a head start on the day, I'm sitting her in my pjs under my covers with my laptop tyring to get back into the swing of posting on my blog. The husband has been after me to start updating again on a regular basis. So here I am attempting to do just that and ignoring everything on my list until later.
I'll begin with an update on Rob. He has worked very hard this last year to lose weight and has improved his stamina for running. He ran the 10k a few weeks ago and finished in 58 minutes. (Sorry no pictures as I was with Connor at a swim meet.)

Connor participated in the SKY swim meet right here in town. He improved his time from the Owensboro meet and came home with a 4th and a 6th place ribbon.

We spent Halloween with some good friends. Here we are in our dressed up garb. I didn't figure Rob would dress up so we didn't get him a costume. We had a wig from another costume and the mustache that was part of Keaton's costume. We threw that together and called him an "Old Coot". Maybe next year we'll come up with a theme for the family.

Connor as "Hercules"

Keaton as "Luigi" 

Pink PowerRanger, SuperWoman, and a Pirate Wench

Luigi and the Old Coot, I LOVE this picture!!

The Trick or Treaters

The kids had a terrific time. We piled on wagons and golf carts and rangers and took off in my friend's neighborhood. The kids ran from house to house to gather their loot. Connor got in a bit of a hurry racing back to claim a spot on the golf cart and spun out of control resulting in a skinned knee. Thanks to Dr. Rich for bandaging him up and sending him back on his way. No skinned knee will stop the fun of trick or treating.!!

A good time was had by all.

Until next time.....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

It has been awhile. Things have been busy to say the least since school started.

This fall Connor played Fall Ball and had games right at the beginning of school just as we were all settling into a new school year. Please excuse the photograph lapse.

I also became a lia sophia advisor. I had my starter show at the end of August and had a great first month of sales in September. I was fornuate to have some great hostesses. lia sophia offers a great product, awesome hostess incentives and a terrific customer satisfaction program. Check out my website at http://www.liasophia.com/sites/amycreek

Let's skip to fall break....

Connor had his first swim meet with SKY in Owensboro. He finished 2nd in two events, 3rd in another and was disqualified in the event he would have placed 1st. It was a great meet. We can't wait for the next one.

When Connor did his flip turns, it didn't look like he was touching the wall. He and Coach Katie had a little chat and he was able to use the extra lane to get in a few practice flip turns before the next event.

We went to the circus with Angie, Hallie and Trent. Connor enjoyed it much more than Keaton did.

On Wednedsay we visited Mammoth Cave National Park for the Snowball Tour with our friends, Kevin, Jennifer, Dylan, Landen, and Alex. The boys had a great time. They were very interested and wanted to be right by the ranger every step of the way.

We spent Thursday with Angie, Codie, and Ceceley. We had lunch and went shopping. The day ended way too soon.

Friday Connor and I headed to Cave City with Angie, Hallie and Trent. We went horse back riding at Jessie James Stables. Trent was a hoot. He put on a show. Connor had a great time. We had hardly gotten home when Connor wanted to know when we could go again.

Today the boys and I visited Jackson's Orchard. We met up with some friends. All the photos I took were with her camera. I'll be getting them later.

Now it may seem like Keaton didn't get to do much over fall break but that isn't the case. We did opt for him to do other things when we visited the cave and went horse back riding.  He made a new friend, Sara Beth. They went to Chuck E. Cheese, visited Western's library, went to Wal-Mart and visited Lost River Cave (not the tour). He had a big time too.

Well, this should bring you up to speed for now. Hopefully I'll not take so long before posting again.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Last Saturday, July 24th, was our swim team's conference. We were excited about the big event. Connor had 3 individual events and 4 relay events to swim. With so many swimmers on the team and a lot of them in his age group, we weren't sure how many events he would get because each team can only enter so many swimmers in each event.
Connor swam up an age group for two of the relays. He and his friend, Tanner, watched some of the older kids' events.

Connor with his 12 and under relay team.

Rob made it to watch a few of the events.
(He doesn't have the patience for the entire event.  We left
the house at 10:30 and didn't get
home until 7:30. He would never have made it that long.)

Connor's individual events included an IM,
backstroke and breast stroke.

It was such a hot day! Swimmers had to find a way to stay cool
between events. Connor and his friend Noah spent some
 time near the cool mist fan.

Connor with one of his 10 and under relay teams.

These are the 10 and under Southland swimmers. Connor
either swam against some of them in the individual events or
swam with them in the 10 and under relays. I have really
enjoyed watching Connor improve his swimming skills while at the
same time making new friends. Too bad none of them go to the same elementary as Connor.

Checking the results as soon as they are posted is very important.
If you look closely you'll see Connor in the middle of the group.
This year Connor swam as a 9 year old in the 9-10 year old
category. Although he didn't place as well as he did last
year as an 8 year old, he did well and had a great time. His
 team won the event by more than a 1000 points

Friday, July 23, 2010

Domesticated goddess~No not really...

Domesticated goddess, I am NOT. However there are a few  things I try to do. If you have visited here before you probably already know that I like to bake and you can see that my last post has to do with making preserves with a friend. We don't have a garden but CORN is the one thing I really like to put up for another day. 

I didn't even like any corn other than corn on the cob until I was an adult. Man what was I thinking!! I really missed out as a child. Cream style corn cut off the cob (NOT STORE BOUGHT) is just about the best thing there is.

I normally hope to get a few bags from my dad but this year I decided that I should do it myself.

After Jennifer and I made her preserves, we decided we'd do some corn for ourselves. I made sure to get to the farmers market early the other day and picked up some Peaches 'n Cream corn on the cob.

Looks pretty good, huh? We thought so.
We boiled the corn for approximately 5 minutes and then spread them out on a towel to dry before cutting the kernals off the cob.
 Then we scraped the cob to make sure
 we didn't leave anything behind.

We stirred it all up and put it in freezer bags to store.

We were a bit disappointed that we only had 13 bags.

Who can cut the corn off the cob and not cook a little up to try?? Not us. We liked it so much we cooked to pan fulls and ate if for lunch. YUMMY!! It makes my mouth water for more thinking about how good it was.

It wasn't that difficult. We had some good conversation and some delicious corn. We didn't have enough bags to freeze. Sooooo, we asked Jennifer's parents to pick us up some more corn when they were out. (Thanks Susan and David for doing that little errand. We really appreciate it!!)

We met up again last night and cut off enough corn to have 14 more bags. It is so good I want some more but don't know if I'll have the time to prepare it before school starts back.

Until next time,