Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Newest Home Decor Addition

Although we have lived in our home a couple of years or so, we are still adding home decor items and changing out paint colors. Things take time (and money) and I don't always know right away what I want. Our lastest "addition" came after much talking about it for the past several months. Are you ready for this? Here it is!
It's a combination lock attached to our pantry door.

So, what do you think? Is that a lovely addition to the kitchen or what!! By now you may be wondering, Why on Earth would anyone put a combination lock or a lock of any kind for that matter on their pantyr door?

Well, it has something to do with our youngest son, Keaton. Although still adorable, he has gained too much weight lately. He not only takes a medication that can cause weight gain, he also has a true love affair with food. When we come in from the store with groceries, he starts going through the bags to see what might interest him. He eats or has the urge to eat from the time his feet hit the ground until he falls asleep at night. We were hoping that with his swimteam practices and the weather warming up that he might be more active and drop a pound or two. No such luck. One night last week, probably after trying on several pairs of pants that would NOT fit him, I decided enough was enough. 

I headed out and came back with an answer, the above pictured hardware and combination lock. I installed it as soon as I returned and expected to be met with an unhappy child. He has made a few comments about the "kitchen being closed" but thankfully we haven't experienced any real dramatic meltdowns over the lock. (I think that's just because he can still get to the food in the refrigerator and the freezer. The plan is to not restock for awhile after he empties it. We'll have to live off of whatever can go in the cabinet.)

When I weighed Keaton last, he had dropped 1.5 pounds. Not sure the lock contributed to the decrease or not but it sure can't hurt. Wonder how I could enstall one on the refrigerator.......

Until next time,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Keaton's 8th Birthday

Eight years ago yesterday, our youngest son was born. When he was born we had all the hopes and dreams for him that all parents have. When we learned he had autism, we grieved for the son we thought we were going to see grow and develop and for all the things we dreamed he might one day do. Instead of that son, we have been blessed with a remarkable son who in fact does have autism. Although there are times that are a bit more difficult than others, we wouldn't trade him for anything or any other child in the world. He is AWESOME!! and he turned EIGHT years old yesterday.

This was the first year that Keaton knew or at least that he would answer when his birthday was. He would say, "March 26th." He was even able to tell us that he was 7 or that he would be 8 on his birthday. (Occasionally he said he would be 17.) He also requested white cake with pink icing at his party at Chuck E. Cheese.

Ok...I know the cake isn't pink. We sent cupcakes that were pink and blue to school on Friday to share with his class and I orded the same for our party. (My friend Jennifer and her boys met us at Chuck E. Cheese for a small celebration.)  We just made sure he got a pink one. I had a hard time ordering all pink for my son. I know it shouldn't matter, but I couldn't do it.

Today I went out and picked up Keaton's birthday present. I wanted to get him a bicycle. He acted like he wanted to ride Connor's awhile back but was very unsure of the balance thing even with me trying to help him. Here you see his Dad trying to help him figure it out. We both helped him for a little while. He is still very much unsure about the whole bike riding thing, even with the training wheels we installed. Baby steps. He has to get used to the idea first. I'll try to keep you posted on his bike riding progress.

We had another birthday celebration tonight at one of our favorite places, El Maz. Keaton loved being sung to and enjoyed the sombrero. He did not enjoy the dabbing of whipped cream on the face that comes along with the festive celebration.

Tomorrow we head to Keaton's first swim meet in Louisville. We are going to meet up with my sister and neice. I'm sure Keaton will have one more birthday experience. (They are bringing him the gift that he wanted most~ Princess and Frog. It's all he has asked about for weeks. We had to go ahead and tell him they were bringing it to prevent much disappointment.)

Until next time, 

Friday, March 19, 2010

What a Week!

As I begin this post, I am so thankful to finally be lounging at home for the evening. Tonight was a very busy end to a very busy week....

We started off the week with baseball practice beginning. I headed to the gym for spinning while Rob and Connor hit the batting cage with the rest of the team. It was a tough workout--it was the first after a sickly weekend. Tuesday night included another trip to the gym and a visit to the ball park for more baseball practice. After spinning on Wednesday night, Connor and I ran a few errands. Ball practice again Thrusday night. This afternoon began with the annual Dodgeball Tournament between Connor's afterschool program and one of the other elementary school's afterschool programs. We left there around 5:15 and made it to a birthday party for one of Connor's friends. After the party we stopped at Barnes and Noble for our next installment of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Before coming home we had to head over to the gym for Connor's baseball lesson. 

I'm so tired from all the running we have done this week. I love my kids and love doing things for them but this week I feel as though I might have short changed one of them. Keaton had his usual speech and KAP sessions. He just stayed at home for all the running and practice sessions this week.

Although I would like to say that hopefully the next few weeks will slow down a bit, I have been in this season before. Spring is a time for new growth and new beginnings. It is also the time for state accountablitily testing amoung other things. (Now that I've mentioned accountability testing, I'm experiencing a little bit of "writer's block". It stresses all educators and students alike. I'm hoping that the wonderful spring weather will help us all relax.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Seperation Anxiety

Having a 9 and a very soon to be 8 year old, I pretty much thought "seperation anxiety" was a thing of the past. I WAS WRONG!!! It happens to the best of us. Connor and I have always been pretty tight, but here lately he doesn't want to go or do anything without me. We're hoping it's just a phase. He worries that I'll get hurt if I'm not with him. I'm not sure what to do about it. Any suggestions?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fitness and Health Update

We continue to hit the gym as often as possible. Rob and I have continued attending the spinning class on Monday and Wednesday nights. What a great workout!!

I even attempted to RUN (like around a track at the park) last weekend when it was so pretty and warm for a change. I was really excited. Connor and I had decided to give it a try and join Rob on the track. We knew that we wouldn't be able to keep up with him for the entire run but that didn't stop us. Things were going really well, until I started wheezing and I don't mean the just out of breath kind either. It was a really bad attack and I was without an inhaler. Thankfully, Connor had a spare in the car. We just had to flag Rob down to unlock it. So now I have a plan for out next outing to the park...I'll take along my inhaler. Hopefully I'll make it around the whole track. I'm not ready to give up just yet.

Although running didn't go as well as I had hoped, I headed on back to the gym. I'm not ready to give that up yet either. I may not be getting drastic results but I am getting results and that's what counts. I have now lost a total of 14 pounds!!! WOO HOO!!

Two Down....

Connor and I just finished reading the second book in the Percy Jackson series. We're both ready to start book #3 but we will not be heading out tonight to purchase it. We'll have to wait until out next trip out and about.

Baseball practice starts Monday evening. We may have to leave our reading until weekends as spring events get started. Batting practice on Mondays and field practice on Tuesdays and Thrusdays. Doyle training continues on Fridays. What can I say? WE LOVE BASEBALL SEASON!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Busy Social Calendar

This boy, our oldest, has had a full social calendar this weekend.
Last night he attended his first "Surprise Party". It was for his friend Vaiden. All the boys had on hats as disguises. They were so excited while waiting for the birthday boy to arrive. Pizza, birthday cake, games and good friends, What more could a kid ask for? Unless it was to be invited to another party the next day! That's right. Connor had another party to go to this afternoon with more pizza, birthday cake, games and more friends.

When our children have busy schedules our lives can become hectic rushing around, but it is all worth it to see them enjoy life. What a weekend!!

The Last Book I Finished Reading

So I hadn't picked up a book to read in a while until my friend, Cheri, started talking about The Lightning Thief. As I posted previously, Connor and I loved it. As soon as I finished it I picked up Nicholas Spark's newest release, The Last Song. It came out last fall but I didn't get it until just a week or so ago. I just read the last lines only an hour or so ago and I'm read for another book. That's what happens when I read. I love it! Reading is addictive, once I start I don't want to stop. I already have my next book ready to go. Connor and I will read The Sea of Monsters together and discover what adventures await Percy Jackson.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Ligthning Thief

Connor and I recently (the night before last) finished reading The Lightning Thief written by Rick Riordan. Until the movie came out, we hadn't even heard of the series much less the first book. My friend, Cheri, picked it up and started reading it and seemed to really enjoy it. So we decided to check it out too. We were hooked only after a few pages. It was hard to put it down. Connor caught me starting to read it silently once and let me know right away that I couldn't read it without him. On Tuesday night I let him stay up way later than normal so that we could finish it. We plan on getting the next book in the series, The Sea of Monsters, this weekend. Connor can hardly wait.

I finally got Nicholas Spark's lastest book, The Last Song. I'm hoping to finish it before we pick up The Sea of Monsters. We'll see what happens.