On Saturday as I was doing a bit of cleaning (I don't seem to ever get it all done at the same time. Things around her get done in bits and pieces.) Keaton decided it was time to set the table. He got out some plastic plates and some paper plates and put one at each spot at the table. Next he took the kitchen stools and placed them around the table in preparation for a THANKSGIVING PARTY. Although I did tell him that we weren't have a party that day, I left the table set. A little while later, my cousin and her family stopped by to pick up something and they rang the bell. Keaton was soooooo very excited. I do believe he thought our Thanksgiving Party company had arrived. He went to each of them, touched them on the arm and said, HEY. It was great.
He just amazes me so. He knows so much more than we give him credit for at times. If only we could have just a brief glimpse into what he is thinking..... wouldn't that be something!!
(Note to new readers or those who do not know: Keaton has autism. He doesn't always share his thoughts and feelings with us.)
Until next time....