Today, the first day of break, I slept in a bit and hung out in my pjs for a while. I finally got the Christmas cards finished and in the mailbox. Too bad the mail had already run for the day. I guess they'll go out in Monday's mail. This afternoon we headed out with the boys to the mall for a brief stop and had a late lunch at Toot's. This evening my friend Jennifer and her oldest came over. We had pizza and watched an all time favorite, Gone With the Wind. Man it had been a while since I had watched that. I had just about forgotten why I liked it so much. So glad we decided to watch it again. It is truly an all time favorite.
What a wonderful movie!
So that is how I started my break. Tomorrow, I have got to start wrapping some presents and on Monday we are headed to Nashville for a doctor's appointment.
What is your all time favorite movie? I'd love it if you'd share. Apparently I have missed out on some good movies according to Jennifer. Maybe I can start getting caught up by watching your favorites.
Wow, sounds like I would have fainted by now!! At least Christmas is almost here and the stress will decrease!