Well as I have gotten older I have had to prioritize life. Throughout college I read less for enjoyment and entertainment and read more for class. I knew that if I picked up a book for enjoyment, the assignments wouldn't be completed on time, if at all.
Since college there have been many days, nights and/or weekends that the laundry or the dishes just sat there waiting for my attention while I was in another world with a book that I just couldn't put down. I would finally get to the end, return to the real world and do a few chores before picking up another.
Lately I haven't done much reading (of books that is). Instead, I have become an avid reader of blogs. I love posting to my own blog and reading my friends blogs but I have also started checking out other peoples' blogs as well. When I come across a blog with an author who captures my attention with their writing, I'm hooked. Often times these blogs come with awesome photography as a bonus. The writing is interesting and the photos are amazing. These talented bloggers invite us in and welcome us into their lives.
I never imagined myself as a writer much less a writing teacher. But that is exactly what I am... a writing teacher and a writer. Hopefully as I continue to teach students about writing and all that in encompasses, I'll improve as well. I don't have ambitions to become a published author by any means. I just want to continue blogging for enjoyment. If someone becomes inspired or enlighted by anything I post or write, then that in itself will be my reward.
(I started this post simply to explain why I had so many blogs listed under my "Blogs I Like to Read". I guess I just got carried away and started freewriting, but at least now you know why there are so many. I just can't stop reading them.)
You are so sweet! I love to read blogs, but I am a big book reader, too. I am also in a book club which helps me to make sure I read. We also have a book exchange in our teacher workroom, so I get to just pick up a book whenever I finish one.