I found a great tutorial over at Sneaky Momma Blog Design. She directed me to Scrapblog which turned out to be a pretty neat site I hope to revisit and use to do some digital scrapbooking. Anyway, I couldn't decide what I really wanted my header to look like or what pictures to include. So, I played around with an idea for someone else's blog. It turned out really cute but too BIG. I still haven't figured out how to correct that problem but figured I had spent enough time on the cause for one night. If you have skills or knowledge about such things, please feel free to leave advice in the comments. I would greatly appreciate it.
I also ran into another problem. I found a really neat picture to use but it may have been copyrighted and didn't work so well. I don't want to pay $$$$ for pictures to use on my blog. Anyone out there know of a good site for FREE pictures?
As if that isn't example enough to explain that I am So Foolishly Addicted to Blogging, I'll tell you about my afternoon....
Today after church and lunch with friends, the boys and I headed on over to Lowe's. I wanted (and we needed) a leaf blower. So we found one. Got an extension cord and came on home. I spent the afternoon blowing the leaves into a great big pile and collecting them. (Thanks to our neighbor, Chris, for mentioning that we needed to get the kind with the mulcher attachment.) While I worked and the boys played, I was thinking about the post I would write tonight. Well, this one never popped into my mind but here it is all the same.
Until next time,
I've used many headers and I'm pretty sure I know how to make it the correct size. Also you must have been in a hurry, because you misspelled the words digital and revisit. Hope I can help.
P.S. I posted lots of great bloggin websites on my blog under Decorating you Blog.