Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keaton's Birthday

Keaton turned 7 on March 26th! We celebrated with some of his friends from school at Chuck E. Cheese along with Angie and Ceceley. Keaton and his friends got to play games and dance with Chuck E. Keaton even had a surprise visit from one of his wonderful teachers.

Everyone enjoyed games, prizes, pizza, cake and of course good fun!! Keaton's first non-family only party was a great success.

Keaton and his friend, Jenna.

Keaton and his friend Trent.

Ben and Connor.


Mrs. True and Keaton

Dylan, Keaton and Mallory

Keaton and Mallory

Dylan and Alex


Keaton, Hallie and Trent

Alex and Keaton

Kiah, Keaton, Ellie and Molly

I tried to get a picture of Keaton and all his friends at the party but I wasn't able to get a picture of Keaton and Justin. It was also Justin's birthday and he had to leave early. I hadn't gotten around to taking pics yet. Oops....I'll try to do better next time.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We've Come A Long Way Baby!!

Ok, so a haircut may not but that big of a deal to most people but for us, a haircut used to be torture!! Keaton hated it. He would have to be held so that his hands were not in the way. He would cry and refused to have the cape placed over him to keep off the freshly cut hair clippings. Over the past couple of months I have started taking the boys to Sports Cuts for their haircuts. It's the same place Rob goes. On the first visit, Rob and I took turns holding Keaton's hands out of the way and battling with his very strong body. As you can see, Keaton now sits on his own and allows the cape to be placed over him. It's amazing what a little time and effort will do. (It also helps that we figured out Keaton loves to listen to Soulja Boy on the MP3 player. We don't go to get a hair cut without it!)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I just thought I'd share some pictures of the boys in the St. Patty Day shirts. Mary wanted to buy them something and we always have trouble finding green on the big day, so I figured we go with St. Patrick Day shirts. Take a look at the captions on each of their shirts. They are so appropriate!!